Infinite Sanctum
A site-specific immersive exhibition allowing guests to explore their (a)theism in community while engaging all five senses at different exhibits, in an amazing historical building on the campus of Virginia Theological Seminary. Guests can expect to experience sitting in total darkness in one exhibit, look inside of themselves in another, and ponder death in another. It's a work in progress still, but here is a peek at some of the materials you can expect to see!

About Annmarie
Annmarie is a Washington, DC- born educator, artist, small business owner, and community organizer whose restless mind has lead them all over the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, as well as down several career paths. Annmarie spent ten years in the tourism industry, at a few grassroots nonprofits before starting her Masters of Divinity in 2020, where they wish to combine visual arts and storytelling to promote interfaith and cross cultural understanding. As agnostic believer, and unashamed "part-time atheist", Annmarie is the first non-Christian Master of Divinity student in the Virginia Theological Seminary, founded in 1823. Living, studying and working in an Episcopalian Christian environment for three years was in some ways a radical departure from Annmarie's pre-pandemic life in Washington, DC, where she lived in and helped run a Punk House (2014-2018) and then an Art Collective and venue space for performing and visual arts (2019-2020). However, it was the experiences and conversations about human spirituality in these places, along with academic work that inspired "Infinite Sanctum", to promote a sense of cross-cultural understanding in a world increasingly divided into believers vs non believers.
Location: Bicentennial Hall 3614 Bishop Walker Circle, Alexandria VA 22304
12 April 12-2pm ( Launch Day, especially for the VTS Community)
16 April 3-5 PM ( open to all, with garden party reception )
18 April 5-7 PM (( open to all, with garden party reception )
20 April 6:30 to 8PM( with Washington Theological consortium )
24 April 7-8:30 PM ( With All Souls Unitarian)
30 April 3-5 PM ( with the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington) 8 May 7-9PM CLOSING SHOW!!!
Pre-Registration is not required.
All events are free and open to the public and include complimentary canapés, wine and cider

Reach out.
Annmarie welcomes group visits to "Infinite Sanctum" at VTS in the month of April
Want "Infinite Sanctum" in your gallery, museum or house or worship? Let's talk!
email is best: annmariedinan.hansen@gmail.com
Sea of Galilee by the artist, 2023